Support with bursary procedures at the University of Pretoria (UP) is available from various sources, tailored to meet the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Bursaries and Loans
UP offers a range of financial assistance packages for both prospective and registered students who demonstrate academic potential and a clear vision for their future. Undergraduate students can access bursaries for academic excellence as well as non-academic achievements. Financial aid, including bursaries and loans, is awarded based on a combination of academic performance and financial need.
University of Pretoria Undergraduate Bursaries and Bursary Procedures: Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences
The University provides financial support packages for prospective as well as registered students with academic potential and clear-cut plans for the future. Undergraduate bursaries are available for both academic and non-academic achievement. Bursaries and loans are awarded on the grounds of both academic achievement and financial need.
The University considers applications for financial assistance from students who are South African citizens or permanent residents. Enrolled students with citizenship in SADC countries wi l be considered for UP undergraduate achievement bursaries provided they meet the criteria.
For UP postgraduate bursaries non-South African citizens are also considered for awards. Prospective students must first apply for admission to the University. An application for study financing may be submitted only after a student number has been allocated.
UP bursaries are fuly repayable should bursary holders change, fail, discontinue or terminate the study programme at any stage during the year in which the bursary has been granted. If students do not pass at least 50% of the subjects initially registered for during the first semester, half of the bursary amount will be cancelled. The full amount will be cancelled if the student does not write the year-end exam.
Students previously registered at other universities must submit a complete academic record along with their application form. An application on which there is outstanding documentation or information will not be processed.
No bursaries will be awarded to students following a special study programme.
The University reserves the right to amend, without prior notice, the regulations and conditions applicable to the allocation of bursaries and loans.
Bursaries offered by UP include:
• Senior undergraduate achievement bursaries
• New undergraduate achievement bursaries
• Top achiever bursaries
• Awards for achievements beyond the academic field
• Alumni bursaries
• Sport bursaries
• UP support bursaries
• UP postgraduate bursaries
For full information on these and other options for study financing, please visit the Client Service Centre, or their website under Fees and Finance on the UP website:
Study loans are available to registered students that are academically deserving and financially needy in terms of the financial means test. Study loans are approved primarily for the payment of tuition fees and are administered accordingly. Loan application forms can be obtained from the Client Service Centre.
Loan awards are not guaranteed and are subject to the availability of funding.
NSFAS (National Students Financial Aid Scheme)
Study loans are available at a special interest rate to full-time undergraduate students that are South African citizens. The loan amount is determined annua ly in accordance with the tuition fees, subject to the maximum amount approved by the donor. If a loan holder complies with the conditions and passes al the subjects in the final exams of the year, up to 40% of the amount will become a bursary.
Awarding of study loans is subject to registered students being financially needy in terms of the financial means test. Applicants must also meet the academic criteria – please view NSFAS information. Closing date for applications
UP loan (University Loan)
Awarding of study loans is subject to registered students being financially needy. Study loans are primarily approved for the payment of tuition fees and wi l be administered accordingly.
To be considered for a UP study loan, loaners must provide two guarantors who comply with the conditions as determined by the University.
UP loans are not guaranteed and are subject to availability of funds
Tsenang Loan
The loan scheme grants loans to academically deserving and financia ly needy students to cover the cost of the first instalment payable upon registration. Only undergraduate students, who are SA citizens, may apply. Applicants must be financially needy and academically deserving. The Dean of Students will make recommendations on the allocation of the loans within the framework of approved policy. Application forms may be colected from the Client Service Centre, UP Main Campus, during the registration
period only.
Applications close on the final date for registration for the particular academic year.
Study loans are available to registered students who have been employed permanently for more than one year or whose parents have been employed permanently for more than one year. Contact Edu-loan at Tel: 012 420 5175 / 083 524 2433 or visit their
The University reserves the right to amend, without prior notice, the regulations and conditions applicable to the allocation of bursaries and loans.
External Undergraduate Funding:
There are a number of companies that offer bursaries and scholarships to students to further their higher education. A bursary is financial assistance given to students for study or training. Each bursary gives different amounts of money and lasts for different time periods. The assistance is given to students selected according to various criteria set by the donors and might include academic merit or financial need. Each bursary has specific conditions attached to it, for example, you may have to work for the company for as long as you have held the bursary, or you may have to be active in your community. A scholarship is an
amount of money given to a student for academic achievement. Each scholarship has different conditions too.
Some companies approach UP directly, and ask for nominations for students in particular disciplines, to whom they would like to grant bursaries. The competition for these bursaries is considerable, as they are much in demand. For further information about these companies, please e-mail Ms Nikki Groenewald on
The Thuthuka Bursary Fund” from SAICA (South African Institute for Chartered Accountants) assists academically talented black students to pursue a B Com Accounting degree in order to become Chartered Accountants [CA(SA)].
If you perform exceptionally well at school, you might qualify for a Thuthuka Bursary. This is a unique bursary in that, if chosen, you get placed in one of five participating universities committed to seeing you pass your exams and qualify as a CA(SA).
However, students who do exceptionally well in most subjects yet obtain poor results in Mathematics do not qualify. Good results in Mathematics (higher grade) are key in a pursuing a career in Chartered Accountancy.
For more information access the SAICA website
, or Email:
Tel: 08610 SAICA (72422),
Fax: 011 622 3321