Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa/FPE Bursary 2024

The Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA) has started inviting students to apply for their 2024 FPE bursary programme, so if you are a university student who needs financial assistance, you are encouraged to apply for this bursary as long as you meet the requirements.

This article will help you with your application by providing you with information about the FPE bursary programme, its eligible fields of study, the bursary requirements, how to apply, and how to know the status of your application.

About FPE Bursary

The Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PPSA) is an association of pharmacists that was formed in 1946, and its vision and mission are to be the country’s leader of the pharmacy profession, as well as to provide support for the pharmacy profession by way of improving the use of medication and greater patient care.

The Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (FPE) Bursary was created to aid students who study pharmacy or pharmacy-related courses,whether Undergraduate or postgraduate. The bursary will cover only one year of study so recipients have to re-apply for renewal.

The Undergraduate bursary will be awarded to BPharm students, in their 2nd or subsequent year of study, while, the Postgraduate bursary is for studies towards Pharmacy related subjects, at Masters and Doctoral level.

Eligibility Requirements for FPE bursary

The Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa requires all its applicants to meet up with the following requirements in order to be considered eligible for the bursary:

Undergraduate Bursary

  • You must be a South African
  • You must be a pharmacy student at a recognised tertiary institute in South Africa
  • You must be entering 2nd year or higher in your study
  • You must have achieved a minimum overall average of 60% at mid-year
  • Your family income should not exceed R130 000 per year (before tax)
  • You must be a PSSA student member (membership is free, email [email protected] for more info)

Postgraduate Bursary

  • You must be a South African
  • You must be studying full-time towards a postgraduate (Masters or Doctoral) Pharmacy qualification
  • You must be studying at a recognised tertiary institute in South Africa
  • You must be a PSSA student member (membership is free, email [email protected] for more info)

Note that the evaluation criteria for the postgraduate bursary encompass two main factors: Project Viability and Academic Potential, which will contribute to 60% of the assessment. The remaining 40% will be based on Financial Need.

How to Apply for FPE Bursary

Download the application form, fill it, attach the required documents, and submit it through one of the following ways:

You are required to attach the following documents to your application form before sumitting it:

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Full tertiary academic record/ transcript (certified copy)
  • Motivational letter from a pharmacy lecturer
  • Financial declaration (proof of parents/ guardians/ household income: certified copy of payslips if employed; balance sheet if self-employed; affidavit if unemployed or working within the informal sector; proof of pension if applicable) (signed by the applicant and person responsible for your financial support) (see the application form for more info)

Important Information About FPE Bursary

  • Individual sponsors can either independently allocate the bursary or authorize the Foundation to distribute the funds based on agreed criteria.
  • The decision made by either the Foundation or the sponsor is conclusive, and no further discussion will occur.
  • If a bursary recipient discontinues their studies for any reason during the award year, the bursary becomes immediately repayable, as decided by the Foundation.
  • In cases where a bursary recipient fails their academic year for any reason during the award year, the sponsor may choose to require immediate repayment at their discretion.
  • Bursary payments are sent directly to the respective universities. No bursary funds will be given through personal bank accounts or in cash.
  • If a recipient of an FPE-administered bursary (worth R8,000 or more) receives another bursary, they must promptly inform the Foundation in writing about the details of the additional bursary.
  • The Foundation will then reassess the change in the recipient’s financial situation. After consulting the sponsor of the FPE bursary, a decision will be made whether to continue or withdraw the allocation. The Foundation retains the right to do so with the sponsor’s approval.

Closing Date

Applications for the undergraduate bursary will not be accepted after 6 October 2023. The postgraduate applications have been closed and will reopen in March 2024.

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